
Just in case you were wondering, yes I am still alive and yes this blog isn’t going anywhere (yet). That said, in non-Powerslave related news, Turok EX has finally been announced. I guess you could say this was why I’ve been very quiet the past few months.


Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

And before you even ask about that “other game”, just wait a little bit longer.

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31 Responses to Hi

  1. majorfoley says:

    Awesome Turok, Turok 2 and Turok EX!

    Gonna be great! I hope the’ll let ou use both versions of the Turok 2 soundtrack in the game both had their ups and downs


  2. Trashbat says:

    Good news! When I saw the post over at Rock, Paper, Shotgun earlier I was a little worried you’d been scuppered after all your work. Well done. 🙂


  3. Overfiend says:

    Happy days. Good stuff m8. Keep at it.


  4. HELL YEAH! FANTASTIC NEWS!… I know it won’t be out for a long time but it will be worth the wait.


  5. Ryan says:

    Sounds great. I loved the first 2 Turok games and I look forward to seeing them again brought up to date.


  6. Ryan says:

    Having played both the 64 and PC versions of both, I preferred the N64 versions because they had longer music tracks and some bugs, such as the sound pitch bug, were introduced into both PC ports that the 64 never had issues with. I think after all this time the very short draw distance with all the fog could be pushed way back since hardware is more than capable of handling drawing the whole world now.


    • majorfoley says:

      I encountered that bug once, even with the fix on that all you need Turok website. But since the PC version you can save anywhere and restart the game, the bug was quickly eliminated and became a non-issue for me. The PC version of some of the tracks definitely sound better to me. The port of Ardia are definitely close contenders with each other, but the boss music with the primogen the PC music definitely won there.


      • Ryan says:

        What I don’t like is that some of the tracks are shortened because of the reliance on redbook audio for both PC versions.


      • majorfoley says:

        True. Might need to make myself a bit more clear. For EX i wouldnt mind the n64 version of the trackks but im hoping Night Dive when they do it give you the option to switch between the two


      • Ryan says:

        You could really use either one as long as the song files can be accessed to where you could use a rip of either the 64 tracks or the slightly altered PC tracks (this was true for both games.) I’m not sure why they decided to go back and change the ones for PC instead of simply using the same ones at a higher sampling rate. The Primagen’s Lightship track is a good example of a song that was basically chopped in half. The Lair of the Blind Ones track has the same issue, being faded out about halfway. The underwater track was different for the first game, that’s one of the few that was definitely not the same. Just being able to hear music on the PC to begin with would be nice because if you try playing one of the PC versions on a modern OS, even with accessing the console they refuse to play the redbook tracks.


  7. Ryan says:

    I think you could use the original tracks from the 64 but they’re encoded at a noticably lower quality to fit them on the cartridge.


  8. Dictator93 says:

    Hey kaiser, I am quite happy for you!

    Unlocking the FPS to 60fps in the first PC port in Turok 1 and 2 had some problems (head bob animation in TUrok 1 was tied to framerate and some game mechanics like swimming upstream in T2 became impossible).

    I assume you already noted this stuff though?
    Best wishes!


  9. Bill says:

    Nice! Didn’t realise that was Turok EX that was announced, though Night Dive went and did their own thing. Either way there’s definitely a lot of interest out there for these games so I don’t doubt it’ll pay off well for you guys. Hopefully also leading to Turok 3 and Rage Wars being ported to this engine for PC?…


  10. SCD says:

    You could try decompressing the music and sound files from the N64 ROM, so they’ll sound better in Turok EX.


    • Ryan says:

      This is likely what will be done, as the only other option is recording the analog output. The only issue I can see is how heavily compressed they were to get them to fit on the tiny storage of the cartridge, so they’ll never sound like a 44kHz CD-quality recording again. With the PC version they used redbook audio for the music but a lot was missing from the redbook version I’m guessing to cut them down in length so they could fit the game and music on a CD (level 4’s music for example has about half of it missing on the CD, same with level 6).


  11. Jim says:

    Can there be a new game mode or Cheat in Turok 2 ex to get all the keys at the beginning so you can just make your way to the big boss and kill them? I like exploration, but not forced exploration like in Turok 2. Thanks!


    • Ryan says:

      Hasn’t Turok 2 always had a level warp cheat where you can warp straight to the Primagen or any of the boss levels? “BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND” is the N64 big cheat that will give you this ability, and for the PC it’s “OBLIVIONISOUTTHERE”.


      • Jim says:

        You misunderstand what I meant. I want to avoid situations like “back track all the way to the beginning of the level to find one key”, I still want to fight through the regular enemies to get to the boss.


      • Ryan says:

        So an all keys cheat? That would allow you to unlock and enter any of the levels at the hub without having to worry about finding the keys… Yeah that could be done easily I think.


      • Jim says:

        Yes, basically an all objective all keys cheat. Turok 2 went way overboard with the keys, rescue 4 children, activate 3 distress beacons, that’s 7 keys right there.

        Also, the overhead map does not work too good, a zoomed out improved version would be great.


  12. Jaxxoon R says:

    It’s good to see that you can continue to do what you do.


  13. Alexiz says:

    I will buy this on day one, or preorder if possible.

    Cant believe Turok 2 is comming out aswell!!

    This is insane and im soo hyped 🙂


  14. james says:

    Any updates on Turok ex and the other game?


  15. HowDoesIFPS says:

    This should be very, very interesting. Looking forward to this and glad to hear that you’re still kicking butt!


  16. Ryan says:

    You may want to mention it on https://doom64ex.wordpress.com/ as well as that’s the main site for DOOM 64 EX. Also e-mail maybe?


  17. Sammy says:

    Any more news on Powerslave EX yet?


  18. Emmanuel FRECHOU says:

    Wait, is it you, the maker of Powerslave EX, who made Turok EX aka Turok Remastered with Night Dive Studio?


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