Minimum System Requirements

Note that this is only based on the resources required by the application on my end. This could drastically change for other users.

Operating System: Windows Vista/7/8 32-bit

System Ram: 256mb

GPU: Open GL Compatiable Video Card (Must at least support version 1.4 and vertex buffers). On-board GPU chipsets is NOT recommended. Also not tested with ATI cards.

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19 Responses to Minimum System Requirements

  1. Alex says:

    256mb of RAM? Boy, I don’t see how my system can handle that. j/k


  2. Tricky_Rich says:

    I’m going to at least try running this on my Intel HD 4000 laptop. My Gtx 970 powered gaming rig would seem rather like overkill for this methinks!


  3. Ryan says:

    What about older versions of Windows?


  4. Harlan Dy says:

    Is this going to be free like Doom 64 EX?


  5. Dan says:

    B-but muh Voodoo2 SLI !


  6. BlackChaosX12 says:

    I Hope this works with SLI… got 2 new GTX 970s 🙂


  7. Will this be released on Steam too?


  8. james chapman says:

    cant wait for this, I own all three versions, PSX,Saturn and PC this is my all time favorite game.


  9. Jaxxoon R says:

    Well, you weren’t kidding when you said “optimization time.” I can’t imagine anyone with a computer from the last ten years conceivably having too much trouble running this.

    Though on a side note, I’m curious about something. From what I’ve seen, the European Saturn and American PSX versions have differing UIs, with the (maybe just all Sat versions?) Eu Saturn having nicer-looking effects on the title and menus and with a yes/no prompt on the camel screen instead of the button presses. Which versions of these does Powerslave EX use?


  10. Saracen says:

    My body is ready.


  11. AndromedaX says:

    F5’ing that page all day everday.


  12. I’m curious. What do you use to make the levels?


  13. Oh man how long now? The Wait is killing me.


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